Ortho-Bionomy® is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork that stimulates innate self-correction and healing. Based in Osteopathy, martial arts principles and the laws of classical physics, Ortho-Bionomy® utilizes gentle techniques to release tension, holding patterns resulting in freedom from pain and enhancement of overall well-being. Discover how Ortho-Bionomy® can support your journey to optimal health and vitality.

In the background of Evelyne's busy career as a musician, she was led by a fascination with holistic health and the body/mind connection.


Her experiences as a musician have greatly informed her bodywork practice.

For example, connecting with other musicians on stage fosters an ability to tune in to others, to improvise and work with others in a dancelike and collaborative way. Her journey toward the mastery of her instrument and pursual of the "flow" state, led her to experience unique moments of surrender where she felt as if something was playing her. Her many years of practices in tai chi, meditation and bodywork have contributed to these experiences in the quantum sphere, and have elevated her ability to help others in mind-body healing.

Her quest for a therapeutic modality that embodies the greater unknown, physics and the laws of nature was met in 1995 with her introduction to Ortho-Bionomy®.

Evelyne's certification in Ortho-Bionomy includes over 3000 hours of training in the following modules:

- Osteopathic techniques of “release through    positioning

- Strain-Counterstrain

- Visceral re-balancing

- Cranial work

- Trauma resolution (Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing)

- Chapman's neurolymphatic reflex points

- Isometrics

- Anatomy and Physiology

- Work with the energy field of the body

- Postural re-education

- Working at a distance

- Additional studies:

- Taoist Tai chi/ chi qong student and instructor (over 30 years)

- 30 + years meditation practice

- Directed breathwork/somatic clearing

- Usui Reiki level 2 (Bethel Phaigh 1980's)


For more information about Ortho-Bionomy® please visit

The Ortho-Bionomy Association of Canada:  https://www.ortho-bionomy.ca/

        "The body is the shore of the ocean of being" - Sufi



Ortho-Bionomy® is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork that stimulates innate self-correction and healing. Based in Osteopathy, martial arts principles and the laws of classical physics, Ortho-Bionomy® utilizes gentle techniques to release tension, holding patterns resulting in freedom from pain and enhancement of overall well-being. Discover how Ortho-Bionomy® can support your journey to optimal health and vitality.

A new paradigm in Osteopathy



"i'm sold on this treatment. i had a sore hip for 15 years that kept me awake at night. After three treatments with Evelyne the pain has never returned. i had never heard of this but it works! MH

"Evelyne is very gifted. countless times over the years her treatments have helped me with ailments ranging from frozen shoulder to low back pain to migraine headaches. i always leave her treatments feeling incredible relief and usually am completely recovered in a very short time. She is very gentle and gives her complete focus and energy to me when i am there. I consider myself very lucky to live in Toronto and be a able to go to her for her magical treatments". OB


        website design by Evelyne Datl with Everweb

     2024 all rights reserved



or call 416-656-5578


how i work


about me


Cancellation policy:  full payment will be charged if less than 24 hrs notice received.

- $125.00

- $150.00

- $175.00

- $200.00

-   $80.00

- $100.00

1 hour Ortho-Bionomy Session                                          

75 min Ortho-Bionomy and Somatic Clearing                    

90 min Ortho-Bionomy and Somatic Clearing                      

1 hr 45 min Ortho-Bionomy and Somatic Clearing            

30 min Somatic Clearing over zoom                                   

45 min Somatic Clearing over zoom  


Payment due at time of appointment.

"Evelyne is definitely the channel between the physical and the metaphysical for me. i dont know how she does it, but when i feel pain in my body she always helps me find the source of it." L.N.

"From the moment I met Evelyne I knew i was in good hands. my sister's ortho-bionomist in vancouver gave  me the recommendation and I'm forever grateful. I have felt results from day one. I have experienced pain dissapear in the moment and it felt almost like magic because i had been living with that pain for a long time. I'm amazed by the results considering how gentle the work ALWAYS is.  Evelyne has strong intuition, patient awareness, creates an environment that leaves me feeling at peace when I leave every time." SB

 Ortho-Bionomy is a hands-on, therapeutic bodywork based in Osteopathy that is an effective treatment suitable for both acute and chronic conditions. In an Ortho-Bionomy session, the client’s comfort is the first priority; gentle, non-invasive techniques are used to activate the innate self-correcting reflexes of the body. One of those reflex systems are the proprioceptive reflexes.

When there is an injury or trauma to some part of our body, our proprioception to that area can be affected, by either firing at the wrong time or not sending appropriate signals to our nervous system. This can affect the body’s ability to heal and affect its sense of space, balance, safety, and wellbeing.

This work of "spontaneous release by positioning" allows your body to recognize and release tension patterns by awakening your self-corrective reflexes.

Balance and re-align your neuro-muscular system with this safe, effective approach to bodywork.

When there is an injury or trauma to some part of our body, our proprioception to that area can be affected, by either firing at the wrong time or not sending appropriate signals to our nervous system. This can affect the body’s ability to heal and affect its sense of space, balance, safety, and wellbeing.

Neck and back pain

Shoulder pain


Knee pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Plantar Fasciitis

Chronic Pain


Chronic fatigue

Digestive difficulties

Recovery from injury or surgery

Dental and Jaw issues TMJ

Tinnitus, Vertigo

Headaches and sinus

Concussion, Whiplash

Frozen shoulder

Lack of energy


Physical symptoms associated with stress and emotional issues

Improvment of self - awareness and feeling grounded

General relaxation, well-being


Address limitations: physical and emotional

Somatic clearings are a trauma-informed complimentary method which gently supports us in discovering what may be at the root of chronic pain, anxiety, depression or general feelings of “stuck-ness”. These states are often referred to as “pain body”, “triggered response” or trauma. Trauma can simply be any experience that is overwhelming or can’t be processed at the time.

Often rooted in early experience, when released, we experience increased well-being, inner guidance, clarity, empowerment, intuition and feeling "centered". Facilitated and carefully guided via our “felt sense” we feel our way through to our shadowy bits. This client-led, facilitator guided process combines directed breath work, vagal regulation and peacemaking for resolution of issues we may have been carrying for a long time and can "run the show" of our lives.

Often referred to as Shadow-Work.

A game-changer.

What I don’t do:

- Remove "blocks"

- Cut "cords"

- Balance or manipulate your energy centers

- Extract "negative" energy from you

Healing comes from within. Our patterns - whether energetic, physical or postural are a symptom of something deeper. When the root cause is resolved, our intelligent body rebalances itself, often immediately. My re-arranging or manipulating anything about you or in you, feels invasive to me and akin to an allopathic model, which works at the symptom level and not the deeper causal level.

When we work with somatic clearings, we unearth the roots of our particular issues via body sensations, not the mind. This way of working helps us gently release the "charge" associated with unresolved events or trauma held in our nervous system. The result is freedom from habitual or triggered responses, feelings of inner peace and reduction of chronic pain. Somatic clearings help us feel more connected and grounded to our Self, our inner guidance and fosters clearer perspective. This is truly loving ourselves and it is a privilege to accompany those in this sacred work of discovery.

Principal - Based

- Ortho-Bionomy methods do not use force to manipulate and honor the body’s unique timing

- While goals are often reached, Ortho-Bionomy is 'process oriented' rather than ‘goal-oriented’

- Ortho-Bionomy is ‘principle-based’, rather than ‘protocol-based’, often leading to unexpected connections related to client issues

- Ortho-Bionomy practitioners are trained to monitor awareness of self and client, cultivating presence and a space or curiosity and possibility

- Ortho-Bionomy is client-centered in that the practitioner invites ongoing feedback regarding the clients comfort

- Ortho-Bionomy practitioners work ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ the client, a collaboration that allows the client a greater sense of automony over their healing process

Ortho-Bionomy® founder Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls understood that our emotional and mental state directly affects our physical and energetic body.

It is well researched that sympathetic and parasympathetic states affect our immune system, digestive system, create headaches, body pain, sleep disturbances etc.

The unresolved trauma from an emotional or physical injury can be held in the body. Ortho-Bionomy's respectful and attentive "body listening" approach allows for the possibility of this state or energy to release. This is not forced in any way but is on the clients own terms and timing.

Sessions are attended fully clothed - please wear loose comfortable clothing.

After a Session:

If there was acute pain - you may feel much relief.

For chronic pain - relief and much relaxation. You may need additional sessions.

If you have been very busy with life and not had much of a break you may feel tired after a session.

Alternatively if you have been feeling sluggish you most likely will feel more energized and balanced.

Regular sessions can support well-being, groundedness, clarity, better connection to self and over-all improved health.

Frequency of Sessions:

Regular sessions are recommended for preventative maintenance and well-being.

Otherwise, as needed for acute or chronic care

contact me