"The body is the shore of the ocean of being"    - Sufi

How is Ortho-Bionomy® different from other modalities?

  Principal - Based

  -  Ortho-Bionomy methods do not use force to manipulate and honor the body’s unique timing

  -  While goals are often reached, Ortho-Bionomy is 'process oriented' rather than ‘goal-oriented’

  -  Ortho-Bionomy is ‘principle-based’, rather than ‘protocol-based’, often leading to unexpected

     connections related to client issues

  -  Ortho-Bionomy practitioners are trained to monitor awareness of self and client, cultivating

     presence and a space or curiosity and possibility

  -  Ortho-Bionomy is client-centered in that the practitioner invites ongoing feedback regarding

     the clients comfort  

  -  Ortho-Bionomy practitioners work ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ the client, a collaboration that allows

     the client a greater sense of automony over their healing process


Body Listening and Healing

Ortho-Bionomy® founder Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls understood that our emotional and mental state directly  affects our  physical and energetic body. It is well researched that sympathetic and parasympathetic states affect our immune system, digestive system, create headaches, body pain, sleep disturbances etc. The unresolved trauma from an emotional or physical injury can be held in the body. Ortho-Bionomy's respectful and attentive "body listening" approach allows for the possibility of this state or energy to release. This is not forced in any way but is on the clients own terms and timing.


For more information about Ortho-Bionomy® please visit The Ortho-Bionomy Association of Canada:  https://www.ortho-bionomy.ca/

What I don’t do:

- Remove "blocks"

- Cut "cords"

- Balance or manipulate your energy centers etc

- Extract "negative" energy from you

Healing comes from within. Our patterns - whether energetic, physical or postural are a symptom

of something deeper.     

When the root cause is resolved, our intelligent body rebalances itself, often immediately. My  

rearranging or manipulating anything about you or in you, feels invasive to me and akin to an  

allopathic model, which works at the symptom level and not the deeper causal level.    

When we work with somatic clearings, we unearth the roots of our particular issues via body  

sensations, not the mind. This way of working helps us gently release the "charge" associated with

unresolved events or trauma held in our nervous system. The result is freedom from habitual or

triggered responses, feelings of inner peace and reduction of chronic pain. Somatic clearings help us  

feel more connected and grounded to our Self, our inner guidance and fosters clearer perspective.    

This is truly loving ourselves and it is a privilege to accompany those in this sacred work of
